6 Where Educators Connect Fall and Spring Course Offerings 2017 - 2018 OPTIONS A and C The following series of courses is designed for Provisionally Certified CTE Teachers who: come with a bachelor’s degree in their field via “Option A” OR come from Industry with 6,000 hours of industry experience via “Option C” Professional Knowledge Courses The following courses will help you to become a strong classroom instructor Course: Instructional Best Practices Instructor: Curt Bertelsen and Cathy Carey For: Provisionally Certified CTE Teacher and any Standard Certified CTE Teacher ADE Credit Available: Yes 1 Semester Hour (SH) Credit Requirement: 2 days, no homework Course Description: Ace your next evaluation! This course is excellent for every teacher. It is required for all teachers that use the lessons found on the Arizona CTE Curriculum Consortium Wiki. In this highly engaging course teachers will focus on the design and delivery of relevant and engaging lessons. Special emphasis is placed on active participation strategies, a strong introduction to each lesson, clear and appropriate objective(s), a variety of ways to meet the objective(s), and closure to assess learning. Summer 2017 Dates: July 10 and 11, 2017 (two day course) Fall 2017 Dates: August 22 and 23, 2017 (two day course) Spring 2018 Dates: January 29 and 30, 2018 (two day course) Location: Pima County JTED @ Master Pieces 2855 W. Master Pieces Dr. Building 1 / PD Classroom Tucson, AZ 85741 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. each day Course: Effective Demonstrations Instructor: Curt Bertelsen For: Provisionally Certified CTE Teacher and any Standard Certified CTE Teacher ADE Credit Available: Yes 1 Semester Hour (SH) Credit Requirement: 1 day + homework Course Description: Whether in a welding lab or a bioscience lab, effective demonstrations are crucial. If done correctly every student can successfully perform the new skill with little or no frustration, without wasted materials, and attain proficiency in a way that will ensure the whole class progresses at an appropriate pace. This is a real career extender! When you are successful in the lab, and the students are successful in the lab, teaching can be very rewarding. An added bonus is that students complete the new skill in a safe environment. Come and learn this four-part demonstration method. Fall 2017 Date: November 3, 2017 (one day course) Spring 2018 Date: January 23, 2018 (one day course) Location: Pima County JTED @ Master Pieces 2855 W. Master Pieces Dr. Building 1 / PD Classroom Tucson, AZ 85741 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. each day Attendance at every course session is essential for success and mandatory for certification for each participant. In the event of an emergency, please contact our office at 520-352-5833 to speak with Pima County JTED Professional Development Department.