Travel requests must be submitted using the Travel Request Form 30 days prior for in-state and 60 days prior for out-of-state travel to allow time for Governing Board approval. The form is located in InfoHub. Use the following procedures when planning for school business travel:  

  1. Speak with your supervisor for travel approval and verification of available funds. Teachers must have the funds in their budgets to proceed. Program Administrative Assistants will handle travel arrangements to include entering requisitions, lodging and transportation.  
  2. Upon approval from the Superintendent for in-state or Governing Board approval for out-of-state, your administrative assistant will proceed to iVisions and create a requisition for:
    • Registration
    • Lodging
    • Transportation (i.e. airfare, Enterprise rental vehicles, bus)  
    • Meals, incidentals and travel expenses  
  3. Once a PO has been generated your administrative assistant will proceed with booking your travel arrangements.
    • Note: If you book before the PO is generated with your personal credit card, it is your responsibility to check the cancellation policies.  
  4. Enter the absence in Frontline Absence Management. See Employee Handbook for details. 
  5. Within two weeks of your trip, complete the travel expense claim and turn in receipts (i.e.  parking, luggage, shuttles).
    • You need to turn in itemized receipts for meals and will be reimbursed at the SAAM meal expense rate. Please use the attached link to access the State of Arizona Accounting Manual (SAAM) that establishes policies and procedures for travel as well as reimbursement rates.
    • The max per diem is reimbursed at the rate of 75% for the day you travel to and from a conference that is happening in-state, out of the county or out of state.  
    • Single day travel rate is reimbursed through payroll as it is considered a benefit.
    • Lodging must be booked at the conference rate or the maximum rate as defined by  SAAM for full reimbursement.  
    • Enterprise Rental cars may be reserved if the destination is more than 50 miles or a Pima JTED vehicle is not available.
      • JTED gas cards can only be used on JTED vehicles and are not to be used on rental vehicles.  
  6. If your spouse travels with you, any additional expenses incurred by your spouse are  your responsibility.  
  7. If you arrive at the conference hotel/resort after reserving your lodging and there are issues (i.e. no reservation, etc.) please contact your supervisor.  
  8. If there is a change to your itinerary, length of stay, lodging, etc. contact your supervisor.

Travel Request Form

  • By checking this box you are confirming that your supervisor has knowledge and approval for this trip.
  • Select “Yes” for any out of state trip.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
    (more than 50 miles is a rental car)
  • :
  • :
  • Expenses

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • To ensure success with submitting your form, make sure that all mandatory fields are completed. You should receive a notice if your form was submitted properly.