All regular, special and emergency meetings of the board are open to the public except during executive sessions. Notices of all meetings are posted below under Meeting Agendas, Packets & Minutes, and are also posted in the front window of the District Office at 2855 W. Master Pieces Drive at least 24 hours prior to each meeting. Upcoming meeting dates are found below under Board Meeting Details. By Arizona law, executive sessions may be called by the Governing Board to discuss personnel matters; meet and confer items (negotiations); legal matters with attorneys; purchase or lease of real property; and litigation.
Governing Board Meeting Dates
Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the general public that the Pima Joint Technical Education District #11 will hold its Regular Governing Board meetings open to the public on the following dates, at the location, and time listed unless otherwise posted.

Board Meeting Details
March 17, 2025
Joint Governing Board Meeting w/JTED Foundation Board
Pima JTED @ Master Pieces, Large Multi-Purpose Room
6 p.m.
March 18, 2025
3rd Tuesday Due to Spring Break, March 10-14, 2024
April 8, 2025
May 13, 2025
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Final Budget Revision
June 10, 2025
Fiscal year 2025-2026 Proposed Expenditure Budget
July 8, 2025
Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Budget
August 12, 2025
September 9, 2025
October 14, 2025
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Financial Report
November 18, 2025
3rd Tuesday Due to Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2024
December 9, 2025
General Information
- Information concerning the Governing Board agenda for the meetings may be obtained by calling (520) 352-5833. One or more Governing Board members will/may participate by telephonic or video communications. If authorized by a majority vote of the members of the Governing Board, an executive session may be held pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03. The executive session will be held immediately after the vote and will not be open to the public.
- Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation, such as a sign language interpreter, by contacting Ms. Chris Suarez, Executive Assistant to the Governing Board at (520) 352-5833. Requests should be made at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting to arrange the accommodation. Every effort will be made to honor requests for interpretation services.
- A copy of the agenda for meetings will be made available at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting in the Governing Board office, posted in the front window of the JTED @ Master Pieces campus at 2855 W. Master Pieces Drive, and on the JTED website.
Board Members
Robert Schlanger
Chairman of the Board -
Wayne Peate
Board Member -
Alex Jácome
Board Member -
Cindy Rankin
Board Member -
Brenda Marietti
Board Member Bios
Wayne F. Peate, MD, MPH
My goal: Education has positively changed my life. I want to help all students have
quality career education.
My story: Born at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, son of an immigrant and the first
member of my family to graduate from college, I was a scholarship student at Stanford
(BA International Relations), Dartmouth (MD) and Harvard (MPH, Master of Public
Health). After receiving my medical degree and completing my internship in Tucson, I
volunteered to provide disaster relief and medical care for 40,000 refugees in drought,
war stricken Somalia.
Pima JTED creation story: While on the Tanque Verde Unified School District
Governing Board, I learned that Pima County had only one year to start a JTED.
I attended the first Pima JTED organizing meeting with Steve Nash, the executive
director of the Pima County Medical Society and other members of the community. I
served on the campaign to persuade 11 school districts in Pima County to vote for JTED
and met with hundreds of voters at community events, HOAs, schools, rotary clubs and
senior groups.
Pima JTED was passed in the General Election of November 2006 in a “landslide” by
the residents of all 11 districts. I was elected the Founding Chair of Pima JTED at its first
official meeting. While I was chair, a governing board member asked me what JTED
was doing for special needs. This led to the launch of Project SEARCH, Pima JTED’s
career education for teens with special needs such as autism spectrum disorder or ASD.
Our campuses were all satellites (37 today) — on the campus of other high schools. We
asked our member superintendents to allow central campuses, but no takers. Having
served on the Tanque Verde Governing Board, I arranged a meeting with their
superintendent and the Pima JTED superintendent. This led to our first Central
Campus (now 5).
The idea of a health careers high school was launched at a meeting with myself,
Superintendent/CEO Kathy Prather, fellow board member Cindy Rankin, PhD and
University of Arizona president Robbins — the Mel and Enid Zuckerman Center for
Health and Medical Careers High School opened July 2024.
I served on the Rotary Club of Tucson Centennial Grant Committee, and Pima JTED
was awarded $450,000.00 in 2019.
Since 2007, Pima JTED has provided free public career and technical education for over
100,000 graduates with a 98% graduation rate and grown to 12,000 square miles in 3
counties: Pima, Santa Cruz, and Pinal.
- Stanford University, Teaching Assistant Dr. Elizabeth Centers, Comparative Anatomy
- Community Health Worker (CHW) instructor, Somalia, Halba One and Two Refugee Camps
- Three decades at University of Arizona College of Medicine (Global Health and Rural Health), and Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health.
- CDC grant disaster preparedness training for 22 tribes in AZ and CA
- Pima JTED, volunteer instructor, pharmacy technician program
- Tucson Fire, Public Safety Academy
- Preceptor Nurse Practitioners, University of Arizona College of Nursing and Grand Canyon College
- Board certified American Board of Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
Certified Hospice Medical Director Certification Board. - Magma Copper, San Manuel, Arizona. Underground copper miner – Chute Tapper and Blaster’s Assistant, Park Mall, Janitor, Stewarts Clothing Store, Electrician’s assistant, 22nd St Drive In — snack bar, ticket booth, cleanup
- Stanford University, Teaching Assistant Dr. Elizabeth Centers, Comparative anatomy
- University of Arizona, three decades: Associate professor at the University of Arizona, and founding faculty Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health where I was one of the college’s four division directors.
- Founder and past president of WellAmerica providing prevention, education, health care, counseling and research for public safety personnel from 23 agencies in Southern Arizona. In 2018 the Pima County Fire Chiefs initiated an annual award: “The Dr. Wayne Peate Health and Safety Award” — Wayne was the first recipient.
- Hospice physician. Certified Hospice Medical Director.
- Medical consultant Arizona Medical Board.
- Firefighter Research: DNA methylation; MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus) prevention; and injury prevention.
- Military Service: 2007-2015. U.S. Army Reserve, Medical Corps, Lt Colonel. Honorable Discharge.
Honors/Volunteer Activities
- President, Harvard School of Public Health Alumni Association, while President I initiated the college’s first alumni supported scholarship program. When serving as class conciliar I put in motion a “matching” program that connected prospective students with alumni in their field of interest.
- Pima County Medical Society Volunteer of the Year award, 2011
- Recipient of “The Dr. Wayne Peate Health and Safety Award” 2018
- Eagle Scout and Dofflemyer Eagle Scout scholarship recipient at Stanford.
- Rotary Club of Tucson, Paul Harris Fellow.
- Annual Community Service Award, City of Tucson (firefighter injuries reduced 42% and lost time due to injuries decreased 62%).
- Co-founder and chair Tucson Ulster Project, peacemaking project aimed at teens from Northern Ireland to build mutual respect and understanding. Expanded beyond Catholics and Protestants to all religions (Tucson Interfaith Youth Together or TYIT).
Writing/Inspirational Speaking/Media:
- Multiple television and radio interviews; thirty articles, book chapters, scholarly presentations; and Gaslight Theater play.
- Books including: On the Serendipity Road; Listening with Your Heart; Native Healing: Four Sacred Paths to Health, Body, Mind and Spirit; “Vitamins” for Your Whole Health; On the Serendipity Road; Cumulative Trauma Disorders; Risk Managers Guide to Ergonomics; English-Somali Medical Phrasebook; and Firefighter Maintenance Manual.
- Keynote Speaker at RGANM annual conference, Albuquerque. August 17, 2024, 200 attendees.
- Graduation Speaker Tucson Fire Academy
Possible Governing Board Quorums
Notice: Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the members of the Pima JTED Governing Board may be present at, and individually may participate in the referenced event meetings and events. Referenced events may be open to the public. The Governing Board will not hold a meeting or take any action at this event.