Pima JTED 2025 outlines how innovation, community engagement, and professional development will continue to transform the district to be a national model for the delivery of Career & Technical Education and an essential economic hub that provides better lives for students, parents, faculty, staff, business, industry, alumni and our community.

Pima JTED will actualize a data-informed, master planning system for program development that is responsive to economic development initiatives and which ensures all area youth are provided innovative and relevant career and technical education.

- By developing the Portrait of a JTED Completer, JTED will promote high expectations for students and teachers.
- A data-informed system for program development has empowered decision-making of programs, facilities and student opportunity.
- JTED’s member districts, satellite campuses, and faculty/staff benefit from an innovative partnership with JTED that builds synergetic momentum for improved experiences of students.
- A Preventative Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement Plan improves operational efficiencies, keeping resources close to student learning.
- All JTED programs offer teaching modalities that are appropriate for the learning of all students.
- JTED’s use of a purposeful assessment system including Formative, Summative and Credential measurement ensures consistent checks for understanding and differentiated instruction.

Pima JTED will ensure that 100% of satellite and central teachers and staff have access to engaging professional development within a culture that values diversity and growth mindset, as well as coaching and local business industry support.

- Student engagement in decision making is present throughout the organization and has created a bridge to student perspective
- JTED’s faculty and staff are better able to provide an exceptional learning experience to students because JTED is a great place to work.
- Innovative Professional Development offerings have increased by 25% (including the development of 10 asynchronous webinars) resulting in improved performance in evaluation and measures found in the Program and Completer profiles.
- By developing approaches informed by a lens of equity for all, JTED’s environment can be more reflective of its community.

Pima JTED will have implemented a stakeholder engagement system detailing value-adding strategies to engage JTED Alumni, parents, lawmakers, community, as well as business and industry, including local program advisory committees.

- JTED’s active engagement in the community places the district at the forefront of education and economic development initiatives in Arizona and includes CTE 101 opportunities for community to learn more about CTE and Pima JTED.
- JTED facilitates a CTED professional network that leverages the talents and skills of the CTED community for the collective good.
- JTED Alumni receive services that improve outcomes and provide opportunities to contribute to the District’s Mission.
- Legislators are informed about CTE and CTED initiatives leading to improved exposure and promising legislative changes.
- The Pima JTED Governing Board positions the district for success by consistently engaging in the accomplishment of JTED’s mission.
- All JTED programs engage in an advisory process that adds value to the program and provides a feedback loop for business, industry and post-secondary institutions.
- By parents being actively involved in their student’s learning and JTED programming, JTED students will experience improved outcomes.