Business Partner Opportunities
At Pima JTED we believe it’s imperative to work together with local businesses to help our students and recent graduates find meaningful, purposeful careers and to ensure that our local industries have the necessary qualified skilled labor to succeed and keep our economy strong.
Benefits to Industry
Post on JTED Network Job Board
- Network directly with graduates
Hire Students/Alumni
- Network directly with graduates
Guest Speaker
- Provides a brief introduction to the career pathway and your organization
- Build a relationship between your organization and students
- Connect classroom learning to real world experiences
- Present career path opportunities within your organization
Guest Lecturer
- Provides instruction on a specific topic or skill set. Maybe one lesson or a collection of lessons.
- Share your expertise with students
- Build a relationship between your organization and students
- Select potential internship candidates
Field Trip Tours
- Interactions between your employees and students
- Showcase your facility, services, and employees
- Provide real world visual of career path opportunities within your organization
Equipment and Materials Donations
- Ensure our programs are utilizing the most current and up to date equipment and materials used in your industry
- Minimizes the need for additional on the job training
Program Advisory Board Member
- Advise programs on employment needs and desired skill sets
- Inform our programs about current industry trends
- Provide opportunity and input to shape the future of our programs and evolve alongside the industry
Host Job Shadowing Students
- Interact with a potential future employee
- Prepare future employees to be confident and committed to their career choice
- Showcase your facility, services, and employees; and leads to internship opportunities
Host Student Internships
- Serve as a community leader by mentoring a young person on workplace etiquette and ethics
- Select the students to work with and observe their technical and professional skills on the job
- Analyze student’s suitability as an employee in your company
- Provide performance feedback to the student and the teacher
Host Teacher Internships
- Serve as a community leader by allowing teachers to maintain and sharpen their skill sets within the industry
- Guide our teachers and keep program current with trends in the industry and current employment expectations