Prepare and provide medications and related assistance to patients, and work on a team to manage pharmacy clinical and business operations. Learn medical and pharmaceutical terminology, principles of pharmacology and pharmaceutics, drug identification, lab procedures, prescription interpretations, labeling, patient communication and education, safety, record keeping, measurement and testing techniques, patient injections, and dispensing operations.
- Grade 12
- Eligible for high school graduation within the same school year of JTED program completion
- Complete Star Reading/Math assessments
- Minimum Reading Score = 1045
- Minimum Math Score = 1092
- Star scores are relative to national norms and may change from year to year. Listed required minimum scores are for the incoming 2025-26 class.
- Prerequisite course with a C or better or minimum 2.0 home high school cumulative GPA
- Algebra II
- And one other prerequisite course option: Healthcare Foundations, Chemistry, Sports Medicine, Anatomy/Physiology, Social/Mental Health Tech, Health & Medical Careers or EMS
- Completion of JTED Advanced Healthcare Pathway Application
Other Requirements
- Must hold current Basic Life Support CPR Certification before start of class
- Required for internship:
- Be able to obtain fingerprint clearance card, pass industry required drug testing, and background checks
- U.S. government issued Photo ID
- Current Immunization Records: Hepatitis B, Current TB test, Varicella, MMR, Polio, Tdap/Td, current year flu, and complete COVID vaccines
Number of Years to Complete this Program
1 year to complete
Things to Consider
- Ability to stand for long periods of time.
- Ability to work in a fast paced environment.
- Attention to detail
- Good at memorization
- Math-minded
Direct Employment
- Retail/Mail Order Pharmacy Technician
Jobs Available After Additional or Advanced Training
- Pharmacy Sales Assistant
- Pharmacist
- Researcher
- Pharmaceutical Firm Executive
JTED @ The Bridges
3300 S. Park Ave.
Schedule Availability
- Monday through Thursday 4:15 to 6:45 p.m.
- Also available during the daytime schedule

Program Completion/Sequence
Year 1
- Semester 1: History of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Math, Pharmacology, Medical Terminology (Abbreviations & Sigs).
- Semester 2: Preparation for certification exams, opportunity for an internship.
Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)
Robin Gilbow
Program Manager
Beth Francis, RN, MS

More Information
- Royal blue JTED scrubs
- Royal blue JTED scrub jacket
- White or black closed-toe athletic shoes
Beneficial Classes to Take in High School
Academic Classes
- Algebra II and above
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Anatomy/Physiology
CTE Classes
- Bioscience
- Sports Medicine